A Voice of Reason
"I have always been a fair and objective listener, helping people understand different viewpoints, and creatively finding win-win solutions. People appreciate being heard and being treated with respect, even in disagreement.
I'm eager to continue to represent you on the Westchester County Board of Legislators and work together to find effective solutions to the challenges we all face."

Judah Holstein has lived in District 10 since infancy. A graduate of Iona College, Judah was raised in the Bonnie Crest neighborhood of New Rochelle. His father, Dr. Stanley Holstein, was Chief of Neurology at Montefiore’s New Rochelle Hospital for over 50 years. His wife Jackie grew up in Eastchester, was born in New Rochelle, and traces her New Rochelle roots back four generations.
Judah and his family live in the Waverly Heights neighborhood of Eastchester, where his three children all attended public school. He has a long history of community involvement, including 3 terms on the Eastchester School Board, where worked to ensure the best possible public education through advocacy, vision, communication, and balance. Judah is known for listening to community members and helping them understand the decision-making factors.
Judah began his career as a respected software developer in the corporate world, and founded his small software company, Miracom Computer Corp., in 1995. His resume showcases both his civic and professional experience.

Prior to being elected as County Legislator in 2023, Judah Holstein was involved in many community groups, mostly surrounding the schools. As an Eastchester School Board trustee since 2013, he consistently advocated for the residents of Eastchester and their children, exercised responsible budget oversight, fostered constructive dialogue and viewpoint exchange to build consensus and achieve outcomes, and prioritized transparency and diplomacy. In addition to his three terms as a trustee on the Eastchester School Board, he served on the boards of three local PTAs, the Westchester East Putnam Regional PTA, the Eastchester Schools Foundation, the Eastchester Alumni Association, and the Westchester Putnam School Boards Association. He has been a friend and advocate to SEPTA, the Eastchester Traffic and Parking Committee, the Eastchester Library, and others. He has a strong history of advocating for Eastchester together with many of our already elected officials like George Latimer, Shelley Mayer, and Amy Paulin.
As your County Legislator, Judah Holstein can be a friend and advocate for you.

Westchester County Executive

NYS AssemblyMember

Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate Distinction* (The Distinction is not an Endorsement)

Westchester County Executive